Tuesday, August 28, 2007


The clock is ticking down....But who's counting?
Several folks have asked about ride sharing up to Strathcona, so we thought we would try to encourage people to post here. If you have a car and some empty seats or need a ride, please post here so we can reduce cost and the number of rented vehicles since you won't need one once we all get up to Strathcona. These are the schedules we know about so far

Arriving YVR Thursday and straight over to Nanaimo
Pete Marra, marrap@si.edu (needs a ride)
Tim Hetherington (needs a ride)
Caspar Fither (needs a ride)
Mike Mascia and Melissa Flag (room for 2)

Arriving YVR Thursday and coming over to the Island on Friday
Herb Harwell, Claire Harwell, David Lisak, davidlisak@verizon.net (room for one)
Gretchen Meinke, Jen Blanchard (room for 2)
Moses Stith m.stith@att.net (needs a ride)

Taking the Ferry from Seattle to Victoria, driving up to Strathcona on Friday
Tyler Christie, Bob Simpson, Oliver Pierson, opierson@fs.fed.us (room for 1)


Leaving Sunday for Vancouver

Matt and Angela Landis (room for 2-3 more)

Leaving Sunday to Seattle
Gretchen Meinke (room for 3-4)
Oliver Pierson, Tyler Christie, Bob Simpson (room for 1-2)

Leaving Monday to Vancouver

Moses Stith (needs a ride)
Jen Blanchard (needs a ride)
Tim Hetherington (needs a ride)
Paul Pickhardt, Kris Fegestad, Pete Marra (room for 1-2 more)
Anne Hedges, Bea Treiterer (need a ride)

Monday, August 6, 2007

Welcome, celebrants!

Hi everybody. Well, thanks to Andy's friendly reminder that TIME IS SHORT, the wedding planning train is finally starting to chug out of the station. We hope the website has all the info you need to get cracking on your own planning. Please post here if there is info missing that you think it would be helpful to add.

Don't forget that Oct 5-8 is a long weekend in Canada, so travel reservations will get harder and more expensive as the date approaches, so don't dilly-dally (that is, do as we say, not as we do!).

The blog is a way for our esteemed guests to communicate about ride sharing, look for additional people to share a cabin if you have room, plan activities over the 3 day celebration or the after-party trip to Tofino, discuss women's issues, your favorite Broadway tunes, and so forth and what have you.

So go ahead. Discuss.